/BCO-DMO/OA_Hypoxia_and_Warming/foram_density --cruise_id eq EN524-- Level 1

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#   In situ and downcore foram densities 
#     Benthic foraminiferal abundances of Mud Patch multicores
#   PI: J. Bernhard (WHOI)
#   version: 2017-01-25
date        time   yrday_utc  ISO_DateTime_UTC         lat      lon       depth_w  sample                     multicore        depth_sediment_core  specimen_type    
2013-05-20  1535   140.6493   2013-05-20T15:35:00      40.438   -70.4969  77       EN524-10_CTG_0-1_Live      EN524-10_CTG     0-1                  CTG_labeled      
2013-05-21  1132   141.4806   2013-05-21T11:32:00      40.4375  -70.4924  77       EN524-14_CTG_0-1_Live      EN524-14_CTG     0-1                  CTG_labeled      
2013-05-21  1132   141.4806   2013-05-21T11:32:00      40.4375  -70.4924  77       EN524-14_CTG_0-1_Dead      EN524-14_CTG     0-1                  non-fluorescent  
2013-05-20  1535   140.6493   2013-05-20T15:35:00      40.438   -70.4969  77       EN524-10_DC_28-29_Total    EN524-10_DC      28-29                non-fluorescent  
2013-05-21  1132   141.4806   2013-05-21T11:32:00      40.4375  -70.4924  77       EN524-14_DC_28-29_Total    EN524-14_DC      28-29                non-fluorescent